Saturday 4 June 2016

R.I.P. The Greatest

The Rumble in the Jungle...30th October 1974 in Zaire.  Ali vs Foreman.  One of my heroes is Muhammed Ali, not just because he was an incredible boxer but also because he was one of the greatest human beings of my lifetime.

George Foreman was one of the hardest boxers I have ever seen,,, he had pulverised the great Joe Frazier the year before in Jamaica and I feared that Ali would meet a similar fate.  However, the fight turned out to be different to all predictions...Ali did not dance away, he employed the "rope a dope" tactic to wear Foreman out.

In the eighth round, Ali suddenly sprang into life and hit a tired Foreman with a final combination.


The "Greatest" was world champion again.  Afterwards, a long slow decline would set in as age and too many hard fights took their inevitable toll  Time, however, can never take away the brilliance of Muhammed Ali.  A man who was always true to himself and his beliefs..not of course perfect, but by far one of the real greats.  Thank you enriched so many lives. Rest In Peace